Lolita Sene / Mise en Bouche 2021

12 alc.
Red wine
Grape: Grenache Gris, Grenache blanc, Clairette Blanche, Clairette Rose, Clairette Blanche

The white grapes all come from negoce, the Grenache rouge comes from Lolita’s vineyard in Gressac.

¥5,390 (incl VAT)

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At first, she wanted to make Mise en Bouche and Lolitax for the millesime 2021, but in the end the juices were so good when blended together that she decided to make one cuvee instead of two, and it became Mise en Bouche.

This primeur became mature very quickly, quicker than usual, as it macerated only for 7 days. Then it was bottled at the end of october.