Clos Mathelisse

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David, the quiet strength

David is a wine worker, the kind which knows everything about cultivation and maintenance of the vine, and does everything by himself, such as pruning, repairing or working the soil.
But it doesn’t end here: he also has control over the whole process of vinification, bottling, and even the label design!

In 2006, David buys a 7 hectares wineyard on a clay-limestone soil, in the small city of Aspiran, near Pezenas. He dreams of owning his own winery, but meanwhile works with his friend Régis Pichon in a shared space.

In a region where most of the wine producers are looking for profitable yields, working with chemicals and keeping the old fashion of strong, heavy wines, growers like David are still a rarity. He aims to produce light wines with low tannins and low alcohol, with a freshness and liveliness that are much welcome in the Languedoc region.

David works exclusively in  organic agriculture with some biodynamic principles. He doesn’t use chemicals, only natural yeasts, and proceeds with a light filtration before bottling.

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